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The Building Blocks Of Skating!






Test Information and Applications Page

Test Applications & Dates

When we are preparing to take skating tests, it is very important that the test application is turned in early enough to be scheduled on the test session that I would like you to be on.   

To download a test application please click on the following link. 

Test Form - SCSF website

If you are trying to plan ahead (good for you!) and you are wondering about future test dates, SCSF has currently booked the following dates for test sessions at the Yerba Buena Ice Skating Center.  All of these test session are scheduled at 7:00 AM to replace the club session for those mornings.  SCSF also holds test sessions in Belmont on Monday evenings during the club session.  Remember to plan in advance, especially when it involves a test that is a qualifying test (necessary to move up to the next levelThis will greatly help the test chairperson to make sure there is enough ice to cover all the tests required.

Test Dates

Please keep in mind that these dates are subject to change or cancellation and it is always a good idea to check the dates posted on the SCSF bulletin board in the ice rink for any changes. I will try to keep this site updated with the changes as I am told of them, but sometimes changes are made at the last minute.  In such a situation, as soon as I know about it, I will notify the skater testing of the change.

 I believe that SCSF is now trying out an online application method for tests.  If it is not yet operating, or, if you prefer a paper application, send your completed application (signed by your coach) to the test chairperson:

John MacDonald

P.O. Box 191205

San Francisco, CA


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