The Building Blocks Of Skating! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOME
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Skating Attire Information Page What to wear? I hear this question quite often and here are some ideas. Competitions For competitions I usually have very specific ideas and try to design the outfit to match the music and program. I have been lucky enough to find two people who are brilliant in both the design and the construction of skating costumes. Their names are Lilya Dukler and Jim Kerber. Lilya is a senior designer at GAP and has her own costume design company. Lilya's e-mail is Jim is highly trained and qualified in this area of skating. Click here for more information on Jim and how to contact him. Jim Kerber Lessons and Practicing As stated in my welcome letter, clothing worn for practice, and especially during lessons, should be comfortable but definitely form fitting. This is so I can see correct body lines and what the presentation of a particular move will look like in competition. This is of utmost importance. Skating dresses with leggings or body suits with skirts and leggings are suitable for the ladies. For the gentlemen, I suggest either tights or fitted pants with T-shirts or fitted long sleeved shirts. Sweatshirts are fine for everyone for warming up, but after you are warmed up if you still need a sweatshirt to stay warm it's quite possible that you aren't working hard enough! <Grin> Gloves are always fine. Testing For testing I generally try to have my students dressed in either a black skating dress for the girls or black pants and shirt for the boys. Glittery dresses and shirts with lots of stones and beads are highly discouraged by both myself and the judges. Testing attire should not distract, or possibly detract, from the performance. Black gloves are fine for moves in the field tests. The exception to this is when you are testing a freeskate program. Then, it is appropriate to wear your competition outfit to the test. |